Britisch Kurzhaar Katzen Zucht "of bamboo garden"


Bestätigung Eingang per Mail am 10. 4. 2018.

GZ: A7Vet.024445/2018/0002
Hiermit wird seitens des Veterinärreferates der Stadt Graz der positive Eingang ihrer Meldung bezüglich der Haltung von 3 Britisch-Kurzhaar-Katzen zum Zwecke der Zucht oder des Verkaufs gemäß § 31 Abs. 4 Tierschutzgesetz bestätigt.
Mag. Christoph Kloepfer
Referat für Veterinärangelegenheiten
Lagergasse 132, 8020 Graz

meine Katzen Grundschule






Z - Wurf
update 7. 2. 22


News vom 24. 12.2021

Mein Wurf Z ist mein letzer Wurf - ich beende nach Durchlauf des Alphabets meine Zuchttätigkeit



DOB 25/10/2021

DOB 26/10/2020

DOB 17/10/2020



DOB 05/10/2020


DOB 16/01/2020


U - Wurf
DOB 28/09/2019

T - Wurf
DOB 08/08/2019

S - Wurf
black golden DOB 05/06/2019
R - Wurf
black and blue DOB 24/05/2019
Q - Wurf
black golden DOB 11/09/2018

P - Wurf
blue golden DOB 9/07/2018


black golden DOB 30/07/2017








Z - Wurf

DOB 25/10/2021










Carol Noble Teddy House

blue golden shell / carries LH, choco, point, dilution




Absolu PInk Elefant "Lungo"

Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point








BLH lilac golden shaded "Zerbinetta d'Oro" /w / V

BSH blue golden shaded colourpont "Zaverio d'Oro" /m / V
BLH blue golden shaded "Zerlina d'Oro/w / unter Beobachtung - bleibt eventuell


I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R fix reserviert / fixed reservation / prenotazione definitiva
V vergeben / taken




Zaverio d'Oro happy mit seinem neuen Freund Clemens

.... and with the whole family

"Schau mir in die Augen Kleines"

w15 / 7. 2. 2022

blue golden Zerlina


lilac golden Zerbinetta


w12 / 19.1.2022

Zerbinetta Zerlina



w10 / 6.1.2022









w7 / 12.12.2021









Zerlina blue und Zerbinetta lilac
4 wochen




Fotoserie Tag 19:


Zerbinetta d'Oro



Zaverio d'Oro


Zerlina d'Oro















Y - Wurf

DOB 26/10/2020


Milena Noble Teddy House

chocolate golden spotted/type shell/ carries LH, point, dilution


Absolu PInk Elefant "Lungo"

Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point

BLH lilac boys:

BLH lilac golden shell "Ylandro d'Oro" /m/ V

BLH lilac golden mackerel "Yasper d'Oro" /m/ V

shell oder / or shaded - sicher / sure im Alter von 8 Wochen / at age of 8 weeks



I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R fix reserviert / fixed reservation / prenotazione definitiva

V vergeben / taken



Ylandro d'Oro happy with his new friend Achuma/Rhodesian Ridgeback ....

.... and with the whole family from Verena

Yasper - happy with Vivien, Eva und Jürgen






Yasper - new home - sweet home


cat at work



Ylandro w12




Yasper w12













2 Wochen / at age of two weeks













X - Wurf
DOB 17/10/2020




Businka Noble Teddy House
black golden shaded/ carries ay12

Absolu PInk Elefant "Lungo"

Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point


BLH lilac golden shell "Ximena d'Oro " / w / V

BLH blue golden shaded "Xia d'Oro" / w / V

BLH lilac golden shell "Xanthos d'Oro" / m / V

BLH blue golden colourpoint "Ximeno d'Oro" / m / V

BLH blue golden colourpoint "Xeno d'Oro" / m / V
shell oder / or shaded - sicher / sure im Alter von 8 Wochen / at age of 8 weeks


I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R fix reserviert / fixed reservation / prenotazione definitiva

V vergeben / taken


"Merlin" und "Filou"
Xeno d'Oro und Xanthos d'Oro

one year birthday


"Merlin" und "Filou"
Xeno d'Oro und Xanthos d'Oro - new home .. sweet home ..

brothers in love .. with Christina and Adrian





Ximeno d'Oro - new home .. sweet home ..

deeply loved




Xia d'Oro - new home .. sweet home ..
very happy to be there



Ximena d'Oro - new home .. sweet home ..
happiness unlimited


at age of 12 weeks:

















boygroup 4 Wochen / at age of four weeks :



3 Wochen / at age of three weeks:


2 Wochen / at age of two weeks

lilac golden Junge Xanthos, blue golden Mädel Ximena


zwei blue golden( choco? lilac?)colourpoint Kater










W - Wurf
DOB 05/10/2020






Carol Noble Teddy House

blue golden shell / carries LH, choco, point, dilution




Absolu PInk Elefant "Lungo"

Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point






BKH/BSH blue golden shaded "Whisper d'Oro " / m / V

BLH blue golden shaded"Windy d'Oro" / m / V

BLH lilac golden shell "Weasly d'Oro" / w / V

BKH/BSH lilac golden shell "Winnie d'Oro" / w / V
shell oder / or shaded - sicher / sure im Alter von 8 Wochen / at age of 8 weeks


I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R fix reserviert / fixed reservation / prenotazione definitiva

V vergeben / taken



new home - sweet home - by Lisa und Thomas
neue Fotos Ostern 2021:










new home - sweet home - by Florian and family

Weasly d'Oro








pics at age of 12 weeks:

BSH Whispser d'Oro


BLH Windy d'Oro


BLH Weasly d'Oro


BSH Winnie d'Oro










Weasly d'Oro 6 Wochen / at age of six weeks



photo by Lisa-Marie

Windy d'Oro und Whisper d'Oro













V - Wurf
DOB 16/01/2020



Businka Noble Teddy House
black golden shaded

Buckingham vom costa smeralda
blue golden shaded


Vincente"Ginko" und Valerio"Zimt" glücklich bei und mit Dina und Marvin







black golden shaded "Valerio d'Oro" / m / V

BKH blue golden shaded "Vincente d'Oro" / m / V

I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R fix reserviert / fixed reservation / prenotazione definitiva

V vergeben / taken

12 Wochen / aged 12 weeks




6 Wochen / aged 6 weeks



4 Wochen / aged 4 weeks / 12.02:2020

Valerio d'Oro

Vincente d'Oro


2 Wochen / aged 2weeks









U - Wurf
DOB 28/092019




black golden shell/carries choco, point, dilution

Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point

black golden shaded "Urbino d'Oro" / m / V

BKH black golden shaded "Umbra d'Oro" / w /V

BKH blue golden shaded "Umberto d'Oro" / m / V

BKH chocolate golden shaded "Uno d'Oro"/ m / V

BKH coloupoint chocolate golden shaded "Ugo d'Oro"/ m / V
alle tragen point, chocolate, Verdünnung, Langhaar

they all: point, chocolate, dilution and longhair carrier

I Interested/Interesse, still available/disponibile
O option / noch nicht fix reserviert / no concret reservation
R reserviert / reservation / prenotazione

A Anzahlung / paid on account / acconto
V vergeben / taken



12 Wochen /aged 12 weeks





Alter 9Wochen / aged 9weeks



Alter 8Wochen / aged 8weeks






Alter 5 Wochen / aged 5 weeks

Urbino d'Oro


Umbra d'Oro


Umberto d'Oro


Uno d'Oro


Ugo d'Oro



Alter 2 Wochen / aged 2 weeks










T - Wurf
DOB 08/08/2019






blue golden shell / carries LH, choco, point, dilution




Longhair lilac golden shaded/ carries point / summer2019





BKH lilac golden shell Teresa d'Oro cy12/ V
BLH blue golden shell bicolour Toska d'Oro ay1233 / V
I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
O option
R reserviert / reservation / prenotazione

A Anzahlung / paid on account / acconto
V vergeben / taken







October 2020





aged 8 weeks 03/10/2019




aged 6 weeks 19/09/2019












S - Wurf
black golden
DOB 05/06/2019



Ornella d'Oro of bamboo garden
black golden tabby/ticked

blue golden shaded



black golden shaded(?) Savina d'Oro/w/ A,v
black golden tabby/ticked Silena d'Oro /w / A,v
black golden shaded(?) Stiffelio d'Oro /m/ A,v
I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
R reservation/prenotazione

A paid on account/acconto
V vergeben / taken



Stiffelio und Silena im November 2020



pics at age of 12 weeks 01/09/2019




pics at age of 7 weeks 24/07/2019





pics at age of 5 weeks 10/07/2019:

pics at age of 18 days / 23/06/2019:














R - Wurf
DOB 24/05/2019


black golden tabby/ticked; shaded

blue golden tabby/ticked;shaded



black golden tabby/ticked Rosina d'Oro/ w / V
blue golden tabby/ticked Raffaela d'Oro / w/ V
black golden shaded(?) Rica d'Oro / w/ V
I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
R reservation/prenotazione

A paid on account/acconto
V vergeben / taken




pics at age of 9 weeks:





5 weeks

Rosina d'Oro w5


Raffaela d'Oro w5


Rica d'Oro w5
















Q - Wurf
black golden
DOB 11/09/2018


Ornella d'Oro of bamboo garden
black golden tabby/ticked

blue golden shaded


black golden tabby/ticked Quintessa d'Oro/ w / V
black golden tabby/ticked Quinella d'Oro / w/ V
black golden tabby/ticked Quiana d'Oro / w/ V
I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
R reservation/prenotazione

A paid on account/acconto
V vergeben / taken



October 2020


















at age of 10 days








P - Wurf
blue golden

DOB 9/07/2018
erste Fotos vom 01/08/2018
new pics at age of five weeks 13/08/2018
ten weeks 17/09/2018
"Goodbye" 18/10/2018


black golden tabby/ticked; shaded

blue golden tabby/ticked;shaded


blue golden ticked tabby Pepito d'Oro/ m / V
black golden ticked tabby Pino d'Oro / m / V
blue golden ticked tabby PrimaDonna d'Oro / w / V
blue golden ticked tabby PiaMaria d'Oro/ w / V
blue golden ticked tabby Pinella d'Oro/ w / V

I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
R reservation/prenotazione

A paid on account/acconto
V vergeben / taken




Goodbye" Fotoserie




pics at age of ten weeks






pics at age of 5 weeks 13/08/2018




pics at age of 3 weeks 1/08/2018:











Juli 2017:

black golden ticked tabby

Orsino d'Oro/ m / V
Ornella d'Oro / w / bleibt
Ophelia d'Oro / w / V
Olina d'Oro/ w / V

I Interested/interesse, still available/disponibile
R reservation/prenotazione

A paid on account/acconto
V vergeben / taken



12 Wochen

Orsino d'Oro:




Ornella d'Oro:





Ophelia d'Oro:





Olina d'Oro:






8 Wochen:

Orsino d'Oro/ m
Ornella d'Oro / w /
Ophelia d'Oro / w /
Olina d'Oro/ w /


Orsino d'Oro


Ornella d'Oro


Ophelia d'Oro


Olina d'Oro



Impressionen im Alter von 6 Wochen









Männer unter sich - father and son






black golden ticked tabby:


Ornella d'Oro



Orsino d'Oro



Olina d'Oro


Ophelia d'Oro



im Alter von 3 Wochen - at age of three weeks


Ornella d'Oro


Ophelia d'Oro


Orsino d'Oro


Olina d'Oro







wir sind da - Sonntagskinder 30. 7. 2017
kitten born at 30/07/2017






Erster Besuch bei unserem Kater Da Vinci im Alter von 6 Wochen
Meine ehemaligen Zuchtkatzen
Djamal - Egyptian Mau silver spotted Fabien - Selkirk Rex
Gona - British Shorthair Halla - British Longhair chocolate
Beauty - British Shorthair - cinnamon Amber - Selkirk Rex langhaar cinnamon
Shimi - Selkirk Rex Kurzhaar Charlotte - British Shorthair

Sina - British Shorthair bluepoint

Higgins - British Shorthair chocPoint

Meine Würfe:
C - Wurf: 23.10.2004 Sina x Qimbo
D - Wurf: 20.08.2005 Higgins x Sina
E - Wurf 01.05.2006 Higgins x Charlotte
F - Wurf: 06.10.2006 Higgins x Sina
G - Wurf: 07.04.2007 Higgins x Charlotte
H - Wurf 08.07.2007 Higgins x Amber
I - Wurf: 14.03.2008 Beauty x Fabien
J - Wurf: 15.03.2008 Fabien x Amber
K - Wurf 12.03.2009 Beauty x Fabien
L - Wurf: 17.03.2009 Fabien x Halla
M - Wurf: 09.02.2010 Beauty x Fabien
N - Wurf: 13.03.2010 Fabien x Halla